My schedule for today is writing a paper to be presented at the Indonesian Herpetologist Seminar next month. Too bad … within minutes I got lost … so much data, got confused and … the SPSS decide to freeze ….!

So instead of working, I browse. Starting with reading Koki ( a community blog part of Kompas), moving to Wimar Witoelar blog, hopping to the Naked Traveller, then checking out on A. Fatih Syuhud blog and then decided to open google.

Actually, I started by googling some research papers … just to make amend of wasting my time in the internet. Somehow instead of putting amphibian or something like that I ended up putting one of my friend’s names back in old Townsville day. Lo and behold … I got his wife blog!

It’s sure nice to know good things about my old friend Doug Woodhams. I remember him as a very young postgraduate student (got his PhD at about 24 yrs – in his recent photograph in his wife’s blog he looked much more mature), very smart and very religious (it was the first time I realized that American is so UNLIKE the stereotype of Hollywood portrayal). Before Doug, I never went to the field with someone who starts his day by reading holy book. But there is always a first time, isn’t it. Feri, one of my recent students always read Al-Qur’an after the maghrib prayer in the field.

Hope the world will be better because all of you.



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